Review of Death Valley National Park: A place so devoid of life that it makes you appreciate life…
Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park Sometimes, one has to experience a loss of a loved one to truly appreciate our time here on Earth. Life is fraught with uncertainty, dangers, and challenges, and it helps to focus our minds when we lose someone close, whether they’re humans or canines/felines. Visiting the Death Valley National Park was one of those times when I absolutely felt the need to cherish, embrace and appreciate life as much as I possibly can. The place is unlike any national park in the United States we had visited, as it is the hottest, driest, and the lowest of all national parks. The place just oozes with that feeling of being desolate, where even plants like cacti don’t exist. It feels like what Earth might’ve been if it had lost its precious atmosphere. If you’ve ever watched science fiction movies (like the Martian ) where they depict Mars or some similar planet or exoplanet, then you’ll understand Death Valley . ...